In a heart-wrenching incident that unfolded at Kalyan station on Friday morning, a 25-year-old man lost his life, while two others sustained injuries in a botched attempt to disembark from a moving train. The incident occurred as the Deccan Queen express train, en route from Pune to Mumbai, was passing through Kalyan station.
The railway police reported that three passengers, including an uncle and nephew duo, decided to leap from the train onto platform number 7, but tragically lost their balance and plummeted.
The trio boarded train that did not have stops either at Karjat or Kalyan
Among the three, one sustained minor injuries. The two injured individuals were identified as Riyaz Uddin Noor Mohammad, aged 19, a native of Bijnor district in Uttar Pradesh, and Farid Rahimtullah Ansari, aged 25, hailing from the same district sent to the civic hospital. Farid, who came in contact with the train, suffered severe injuries and was declared dead by medical professionals. Tragically, Farid was the uncle of injured passenger Riyaz. Both resided in Neral with a relative and were returning from Pune on that ill-fated Friday. They mistakenly boarded a train that did not have scheduled stops at either Karjat or Kalyan.
"Prompt medical attention was provided to the injured individuals, with one of them found to have minor injuries and subsequently discharged from Bai Rukminibai Hospital in Kalyan. However, Farid Ansari succumbed to his injuries, resulting in a devastating loss, " said an official of Government Railway Police.
Shivraj Manspure, Chief Public Relations Officer of Central Railway, confirmed that the Deccan Queen express train had no schedule halt at Kalyan station. The incident led to a brief detention of the train from 9:38 am to 9:50 am, prompting railway authorities to issue an urgent appeal to passengers, imploring them not to attempt boarding or disembarking from moving trains.