Mumbai, January 27: The Central and Western Railways will conduct a mega block on Mumbai local trains' network on Sunday, January 28. The Central Railway will carry out the Sunday mega block on Central, Harbour and Trans-Harbour lines. Also, there will be a 5-hour block on Western line. Local train services on all four lines will be affected due to the Sunday mega block on January 28.
On Central line, there will be a mega block on the fast railway tracks between Matunga and Mulund from 11:05 AM to 3:55 PM. Consequently, fast local trains leaving from Thane and CSMT stations will be diverted on slow line between Mulund and Matunga. Therefore, the local trains will arrive at their destination 15 minutes late.
There will be a mega block between Panvel and Vashi stations on Harbour line from 11:05 AM to 4:05 PM. It means commuters won't be able to travel between Vashi and Panvel stations via Harbour line trains during the block period. On Trans-Harbour line, there will be a megal block on Thane-Panvel route. Check timings of the last local train before the Sunday mega block and the first service after the block in the below post.
Sunday Mega Block On Central, Harbour Line
Sunday Mega Block On Western Line
The Western Railway will carry out a mega block on the slow tracks between Churchgate and Mumbai Central stations from 10:35 AM to 3:35 PM on Sunday 28 January. Check more details in the post below.
The Sunday block will be conducted "for maintenance of track, signal system and overhead equipment", said the Western Railway. This essential maintenance is crucial for the upkeep and safety of the railway infrastructure. Local train services on Belapur-Uran and Nerul-Uran routes will continue without interruption.