Scuffle between Former Home Minister Anil Deshmukh and Current Home Minister Devendra Fadavis is increasing day by day. Two days after former police officer Sachin Vaze, levied allegations that Deshmukh and his personal assistants demanded money during the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government, Deshmukh on Monday not only denied Vaze’s allegations but claimed that Fadnavis had tried to save then Mumbai police commissioner Param Bir Singh’s arrest by asking him to level allegations Deshmukh in order to topple the MVA government.
Speaking with the media on Monday in Nagpur, Deshmukh also claimed that Sachin Vaze is levelling charge against him on the behest of Fadnavis. BJP however, has denied the charges. Waze is accused of planting gelatin sticks outside industrialist Mukesh Ambani's residence 'Antilia' in February 2021. He is also booked for the murder of businessman Mansukh Hiran, the owner of the explosives-laden vehicle.
Deshmukh also demanded the State government should reveal the retired Justice Chandiwal commission's report to the Public. A Chandiwal Commission was constituted to inquire allegations levelled by Parambir Singh for collecting Rs 100 Crore by then Home minister Deshmukh. Deshmukh said that Waze had made a statement before the Chandiwal commission that Anil Deshmukh and his PA never directed him to collect money. He also said, “My PA and I never demanded money from him.”
On the other hand, Fadnavis said the Chandiwal commission was set up during the MVA government and why not the report was made public during the MVA regime? MVA should answer for this first. MVA government had made Parambir Singh as Mumbai Police Commissioner and he levelled allegations against Deshmukh, Fadnavis added.