A fire broke out in a chemical factory in the Wada area of the Palghar district of the Konkan division in Maharashtra on Saturday morning, officials said. According to the police, upon receiving information about the blaze, the fire department arrived at the scene and began working to put out the flames. No loss of human life or financial damage has been reported due to the incident so far, said police.
The police added that further details into the matter are awaited. Further investigation into the matter is underway.
Fire in Mumbai's Zaveri Bazaar
Meanwhile, a Level III fire broke out in a multi-floor building located near the iconic Mumbadevi Temple in Zaveri Bazar, Kalbadevi, in the early hours of June 9. The incident was reported by the Mumbai Fire Brigade (MFB) at 1.38 am. Prompt action was taken by the fire department, resulting in the safe evacuation of approximately 50-60 trapped individuals.
The fire has severely affected the ground, first, second, third, fourth, and fifth floors of the building. Over 12 fire tenders were involved in the firefighting operations. Officials said that the fire was extinguished by 7.55 am. However, it is yet to be ascertained as to what caused the blaze.
Details of the Incident
Upon arrival at the building located in Kalbadevi's China Bazaar, the MFB declared the blaze a Level III fire around 3.25 am highlighting the severity of the situation. The fire was initially contained within the lower floors of the building but quickly spread to the upper six floors.
The intense heat and flames caused a part of the ceiling on the first and second floors, as well as a portion of the staircase, to collapse.