Mumbai: The Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MMRCL) informed the Bombay High Court (HC) on Thursday that more trees are required to be cut for construction of the Metro car shed at Aarey Milk Colony in suburban Goregaon due to the delay of four years, during which saplings and shrubs have grown into trees.
Senior Advocate Ashutosh Kumbhakoni, appearing for MMRCL, said that when they filed the application four years back it was for the felling of 84 trees. However, with the passage of time, the small saplings and shrubs have grown into trees, raising the need for more trees to be cut.
A division bench was hearing a PIL filed by activist Zoru Bhathena challenging the BMC notice saying that it was in violation of the apex court order. An application was filed by MMRCL seeking permission to remove 84 trees for the project as per the relief granted by the Supreme Court (SC). Following this, the BMC issued a notice on January 12.
Shrubs grew to trees after four monsoon seasons passed: Advocate Kumbhakoni
“The purpose was to clean shave the land so that we can construct the car shed. This issue remained pending in courts for four years thanks to the petitioner. During this period, four monsoon seasons have passed,” said Kumbhakoni.
He further pointed out that the SC order was to enable them to “clean shave” the land for construction. “This obstruction by the petitioner amounts to obstruction of the SC order in its true form,” he contended.
However, Bathena's advocate, Zaman Ali sought adjournment for clarification on the additional shrubs and trees. “These are not shrubs but 25-foot tall trees. This was not informed to the SC when the hearing took place. It should have been clarified,” said Ali. The HC has kept the matter for hearing next week.