Under the guidance of Commissioner Ganesh Deshmukh, the Panvel Municipal Corporation (PMC) organized an E-Waste awareness workshop on October 14th in collaboration with Pillai College of Engineering (PCE) as part of Maji Vasundhara Abhiyan 4.0.
During this event, students were educated about the environmental impact of e-waste and were informed about measures to reduce its harmful effects.
International E-Waste Day
International E-Waste Day is celebrated on October 14th, and a workshop was conducted at Pillai Engineering College under the guidance of DMC Dr. Vaibha Vidhate. The workshop was inaugurated by Principal Dr. Sandeep Joshi, in the presence of the Head of the Municipal Environment Department, Manoj Chavan, NSS Program Officer Akshay Jadhav, and various professors and students from the engineering college.
Dedicated e-waste center inaugurated on campus
As part of this initiative, a dedicated e-waste center was inaugurated on the campus, established in collaboration with the Municipal Corporation. Students were encouraged to deposit their e-waste at this center, with the assurance that it will continue to operate in the coming year with full support from the Municipal Corporation and the college.
Furthermore, the students received valuable insights into the hazards of e-waste on the environment, its contributions to climate change, and the proper methods of disposal through an informative PowerPoint presentation.