Navi Mumbai: The Panvel City police arrested a man for allegedly creating a ruckus in a Ganpati immersion procession and later ransacking Karanjade police chowki on Thursday night. The accused also assaulted police personnel at the Chowki.
The accused was identified as Pandurang Digambar Dhangare, a resident of sector 6 in Karanjade. The incident took place around 10 pm on September 28 when the Ganpati procession of a Gaikwad family was going on in sector 5A in Karanjade node in Panvel.
Dhangare was creating a ruckus during the procession. The complainant, Amol Chaugole, a police sub-inspector on duty, immediately rushed and tried to bring the situation under control. Chaugole brought a few persons from the procession to Karanjade police chowki. Later Dhangare was also brought in after others complained against him who hid in a house.
Accused ransacks police station
When the police were trying to understand and solve their issues, Dhangare started ransacking the police station. The accused damaged a laptop, printer, television, and other essential items of the chowki worth ₹1,29,500.
When police personnel tried to stop him, he assaulted them too. He threw a stone and also injured police personnel by pushing them. However, he was caught on hold by police and detained.
Meanwhile, the Panvel City police registered a case against him under relevant sections for voluntarily causing grievous hurt, assault to deter a public servant from discharge of his duty, and damaging property.