Navi Mumbai: In order to protect and conserve the mangroves forest, special efforts should be made for the protection of mangroves forest by coordinating the government agencies and redressing the complaints received immediately, said Konkan Divisional Commissioner Dr. Mahendra Kalyankar during the 25th meeting on mangroves protection.
Dr Kalayankar instructed all government agencies to coordinate to save mangroves.
In this meeting, it was decided to install CCTVs as required to monitor the disturbance of the sensitive mangrove forest area. It was also discussed about preparing maps of the mangrove forest area in the state every six months using satellite high-resolution images and if any changes are found accordingly, the committee will take preventive measures into consideration.
Various Officials Attended The Meeting
In the meeting, Additional Principal Conservator of Forests (Kandalvan) S. V. Ram Rao was also present through video conferencing. Apart from him, Member Secretary and Deputy Conservator of Forests Mangrove Anita Patil, Deputy Superintendent of Police (Home) Sanjay Sawant, Assistant Commissioner of Police Jitendra Javale, Deputy Regional Officer of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Rupali Sonkamble were present in the meeting.
During the meeting, various issues related to mangrove forest protection were discussed. Transferring the mangrove forest area to the Forest Department, discussing the presence of the nodal officers, removing the debris and depositing it elsewhere, prompt and effective use of the powers and responsibilities of all government agencies/organizations/officials in connection with the protection and conservation of mangroves forests, and maintaining proper coordination among all government agencies were discussed.