Navi Mumbai: The Navi Mumbai unit of Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) arrested two police constables for allegedly demanding a bribe of ₹5000 from a rickshaw driver on Monday. Both constables were attached with the Mahape division of Navi Mumbai Traffic police.
The arrested constables were identified as Pravin Rathod, 35, and Namdeo Gadhekar, 35.
According to officials from ACB Navi Mumbai, both police constables caught a rickshaw driver for traffic violations and seized the rickshaw. In order to release the rickshaw, they demanded ₹5000.
The rickshaw driver registered a complaint with the ACB Navi Mumbai. The ACB verified his complaint and laid a trap to catch both constables red-handed.
Corrupt cops took advantage of poor auto-driver
As the rickshaw driver did not have vehicle documents like vehicle insurance, fitness certificate, and did not wear uniform, both the traffic cops told him ₹10,000 fines for all violations and seized the rickshaw. However, they demanded a bribe of ₹5000 to release the rickshaw.
During the trap operation, both the accused were caught accepting ₹2000 from the rickshaw driver.