The Mumbai police recently arrested a youth for performing several dangerous stunts across the city with his friends. The accused also uploaded the video of his acts on the social media. The stunts the accused performed included running over the BEST bus stop roof, bike stunts, climbing over vehicles and others. The police have also released the video appealing the to refrain engaging in risky acts.
“Trying to 'Pull a stunt'? The ‘trick’ won't work! Azad Maidan Police station officials arrested an individual from Chembur who along with his friends performed dangerous stunts across various locations in Mumbai & uploaded the video on social media sites. You don't have a stunt double, refrain from doing these risky acts,” the Mumbai police posted on its official X handle.
In the second part of the video, the accused also gave his statement admitting his acts. The accused says that he resides in Chembur, Mumbai and in the wee hours of 3 am on June 4, 2024, he and his friends were in south Mumbai. He adds that they recorded a video of performing stunts on a cycle and that is why the Azad maidan police have taken action against him.
Meanwhile, in another action by the police in Mumbai, a special drive was conducted against E-bikes across the city from August 9 to 11, 2024. In this period action was taken against 1176 E-bikes and collected penalty of worth Rs 1,63,400. The Mumbai Traffic Police also seized 290 E-bikes and registered cases against 221 E-bikes during the three-day special drive.