Mumbai: The Dindoshi police have apprehended a Nigerian and a Tanzanian woman for their alleged involvement in drug selling. The police seized 4.5 grams of cocaine and 100 grams of MD with a total worth of Rs 26.12 lakhs at the Tanzanian woman's residence. The arrests occurred in Vasai East and Nalasopara, Palghar district.
According to the police, earlier, they had arrested three Indian citizens and one Nigerian in connection with the drug-selling case. During the investigation, information about the Nigerian and Tanzanian women came to light. The Nigerian woman was arrested on October 28, and the Tanzanian woman was apprehended on November 2. In total, the police have seized 229.33 grams of MD and 4.5 grams of cocaine, with a combined worth of Rs 58.45 lakh. The Nigerian woman was arrested in Chinchpada, Vasai East, and the Tanzanian woman was arrested in Nalasopara East.
Assistant Police Inspector Ahir Desai, investigated under the guidance of Jeevan Kharat, Senior Police Inspector of Dindoshi police station.