Mumbai: The Vikhroli police have booked a contractor and his associates after a 26-year-old labourer, who was working on an under-construction building in Kannamwar Nagar, Vikhroli East, fell from the seventh floor to death after he lost balance on the window. The police said contractor Shyambali Yadav and others were charged with causing death due to negligence.
According to the victim’s brother Babu Raqib Sheikh, 23, he and his brother Saheb Raqib Sheikh (victim), residents of Birbhum district in West Bengal, migrated to Mumbai to work as labourers. They lived in Garodia Nagar in Ghatkopar. The victim, Saheb, started to work as a labourer in an under-construction building number 64, at Kannamwar Nagar -2, and after work, he slept at the same site with his co-workers.
On Monday, during the early hours, Babu got a phone call from a man named Santu who informed him that Saheb fell from the seventh floor and was taken to Sion Hospital for treatment. By the time Babu reached the hospital, Saheb was already declared dead. Later, while further inquiring, Santu said that Saheb was sitting on a window and the next thing Santu heard was a scream and a thud – the sound of Saheb falling on the ground.
The police said that Saheb must have lost his balance while sitting, and there were no safety nets put up – given it’s mandatory according to safety protocols in construction sites. The post-mortem report suggested that the deceased’s skull was damaged – as the cause of death.