Mumbai: Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said that the attempts to destabilise Maharashtra won't be allowed to succeed. He was reacting to the incident of death threat to NCP supremo Sharad Pawar.
"I've taken serious note of the threat to senior leader Sharad Pawar and have myself spoken to senior police officials. I've instructed them to carry out the investigation," Shinde said in his tweet.
"Sharad Pawar is a senior leader and we all respect him. We shall take all the precaution for his security and I've instructed the police officials to beef up his security cover," Shinde added. In the same tweet, Shinde has also spoken about various untoward incidents in the state over the past few days.
Shinde's Veiled attack on Shiv Sena UBT
"Some people are trying to deliberately vitiate the atmosphere in Maharashtra. After the Supreme Court verdict some people have gone berserk and the attempts to destabilize Maharashtra are rooted in that shock," Shinde said in his tweet in what can be seen as a veiled attack on the Shiv Sena (UBT).
"Attempts are being made to create communal tension in the state by promoting Aurangzeb and Tipu Sultan. We shall not let these efforts be successful. All efforts to disturb the law and order situation in the state will be struck down," Shinde said.