A 40-year-old jawan of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) allegedly shot himself dead with his service weapon, AK-47, in the Bandra-Kurla Complex (BKC) on Saturday. Notably, moments before taking the extreme step, he said to his peers that he was disturbed due to family matters, said Inspector (crime) Rajesh Gawali. However, the exact motive behind the suicide is yet to be ascertained.
Details of tragedy
A member of the quick response team, Mukesh Khoda Bhai Khetariya was stationed near the BKC garden from 2022. He allegedly shot himself when he was alone in the security cabin. “As per preliminary investigation, he was distressed due to family matters. The police have inquired with his colleagues.
They said that he talked about his personal issues and they asked him to come for tea to divert his mind,” said Gawali. However, he refused to come while his colleagues proceeded forward. However, they rushed back after listening to the firing sound and saw that Khetariya had shot through his chin. He was taken to Sion Hospital where doctors declared him dead. No suicide note was found at the scene.
Mukesh Khoda Bhai Khetariya
Hailing from Gujarat's Amreli, Khetariya was posted at the garden gate no 5 and used to live in the BKC. According to the police, he was normal in his daily routine and his relations with his colleagues were also good.
The family of the deceased is likely to appear before police on Monday. Following the post-mortem, the body was handed over to the kin. A total of 29 fired rounds were recovered during panchnama of the crime scene. An accidental death report has been filed. There was no official statement from the CISF and the jawan's family.