Mumbai: In collaboration with the Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation, the Central Railway (CR) organised a cleanliness drive at Byculla railway station on Sunday, in alignment with their 'Clean Rail-Clean India' initiative, marking the occasion of August 15.
Volunteers from the foundation exhibited fervour as they meticulously cleaned platforms, reservation offices, ticket counters, and parking areas. Quintals of garbage was collected during this endeavour.
The station manager of Byculla, Ganesh Prasad Swain, who supervised the drive, emphasised that the foundation’s dedication to ‘Nar Sewa-Narayan Sewa’ drove their active involvement in activities like cleanliness drives, tree plantation, and blood donation camps.
More than 150 volunteers, both men and women, participated in the tree plantation and cleanliness drive, alongside over a dozen officials from CR and Railway Protection Force (RPF) staff. The event commenced and concluded with prayers, exemplifying the foundation’s holistic approach to social service.