In a groundbreaking feat of engineering and innovation, Carriage Workshop Matunga has set an unprecedented record in the history of central railway infrastructure. In October, the workshop accomplished a remarkable Periodic Overhauling (POH) of 205 mainline coaches and 56 local train coaches, shattering previous records of POH of 200 mainline coaches and 50 local train coaches.
"This astonishing achievement not only signifies a new pinnacle in rail infrastructure and rolling stock production but also showcases Carriage Workshop Matunga's unwavering commitment to excellence and the welfare of its dedicated workforce" said an official of the Central Railway.
Established in 1915, Carriage Workshop Matunga began as a repair facility for coaches and wagons of the Great Indian Peninsular (GIP) Railway. Over the years, the workshop has consistently pushed boundaries and contributed to India's evolving railway infrastructure.
In addition to their remarkable POH accomplishment, the workshop has introduced various initiatives to prioritize the health and safety of its staff, including safety equipment, training, and first-aid programmes.
'Carriage Workshop Matunga plans to enhance its coach maintenance capabilities'
According to the Central Railway, this year, Carriage Workshop Matunga achieved success in converting ICF coaches into carriage wagons with innovative Ball Transfer Units, aligning with the "Rail Post Gati Shakti" program for efficient parcel movement. They also transformed an local train rake into specialised Muck Special Rakes, aiding in the swift removal of garbage from railway tracks.
"Looking ahead, Carriage Workshop Matunga plans to enhance its coach maintenance capabilities further by embracing advanced technologies for upcoming rakes, including Vande Bharat and other conversion coaches, with the aim of achieving even higher production levels and product quality," said an official of CR.
"To combat environmental pollution, CR planted an astounding 751 trees in the premises of workshop within one minute on World Environment Day, and they foster team spirit through activities like box cricket" he said.
Vivek Acharya, the Chief Workshop Manager, attributes this unparalleled achievement to the dedication and commitment of the workshop's staff and officers, who continually push the boundaries of technology and innovation while prioritizing staff health and safety.
"Carriage Workshop Matunga remains an emblem of excellence in railway coach manufacturing, contributing significantly to India's railway infrastructure development and redefining the future of rail transportation" he said.