Mumbai Crime Branch's Anti Narcotics Cell (ANC) Bandra Unit has arrested two people and seized 500 grams of Mephedrine (MD) drugs, worth about Rs1 crore in the international market from them. The drugs seized from them are of high quality and are in high demand at high society parties in high profile areas of the western suburbs.
Cases have been registered against both suspects in different police stations in Mumbai. One of them has a total of 18 cases registered against them. According to the information received from the ANC, the unit was patrolling in the Sion (East) area on Saturday when they noticed two people acting suspiciously.
When the police approached them to question them, they fled. The police chased, nabbed, and took them into custody. Interrogation revealed that both had criminal records registered against them. One of them was identified as Muhammad Khayyumuddin. Mohammad Moinuddin Sayyed, 32, had many criminal cases against him including firing, breaking-and-entering, and murder.
Sayyed is a resident of Dharavi and has been exiled by the DCP of Zone 5 from Dharavi. His wife Munni has also been booked under NDPS Act, police said.