On Monday, when Mumbaikars stepped out to vote were in shock when their names were missing from the voters’ list, but the missing names were not it, now reports have surfaced saying that even bogus voting was reported in Dadar, Vasai, Charkhop.
According to Mumbai Mirror, the incident came to light when a 67-year-old man from Vasai went to vote and found out that someone else had already voted at the polling center in his name. The polling officers at the booth initially refused to allow Paul Josef De Cunha to vote. De Cunha told the leading daily, “The polling officer did not allow my vote initially, even though I explained to them that I had not yet voted, which they could make out from my receipt as well as my un-inked left index finger. But they were adamant about not letting me vote. My daughter, Rezal, came to the polling booth and complained to their supervisor. They then gave us a form to fill. We filled and submitted it, and after almost two hours, I was finally able to cast my vote.”
Similar instances were also recorded in Charkop and Dadar. In Charkop Sagar Bagve found that someone else had cast a vote in his father’s name. Sagar complained to police and polling officer who is trying to find out who voted in name of his father. In Dadar, three voters were told that someone else had voted in their names, but later was allowed to vote after filling a form and producing necessary documents.