The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered a case against the then Superintendent of the Bond Section at Jawaharlal Nehru Customs House (JNCH), Raigad (Maharashtra), and others, including two private companies based in Goregaon, Thane, as well as unknown individuals for a suspected irregularities case.
According to CBI sources, a joint operation involving the CBI and officials from JNCH had earlier conducted a surprise inspection in the Bond Section at JNCH, Raigad. The inspection reportedly unearthed a suspected case of irregularities. It is alleged that fines and penalties totalling Rs 9,56,000/- and Rs 4,96,000/- were levied on two Bills of Entry associated with the private companies in question. These fines were imposed by the Customs Intelligence Unit (CIU).
Pvt companies conspired with Superintendent
Those implicated by the agency include Mayank Singh, the then Superintendent of the Bond Section at Jawaharlal Nehru Customs House (JNCH), Raigad; M/s Shree Sai Snehal Import & Export Pvt. Ltd., located in Goregaon, Mumbai; M/s Shree Marketing, located in Thane; unknown Customs officials; and private individuals.
"It was further alleged that both private companies conspired with the aforementioned Superintendent of the Bond Section at JNCH, Raigad, and others by offering undue advantages and managed to take delivery of the goods covered by these two Bills of Entry without paying the required fines/penalties, thus causing a loss to the Government Exchequer," stated a CBI official.
Searches were conducted at the premises of the accused in Navi Mumbai, Noida, Sitapur, Goregaon, and Thane.