Siblings Day: Krishna Shroff speaks about her bond with Tiger Shroff, their business venture, and more

Siblings Day: Krishna Shroff speaks about her bond with Tiger Shroff, their business venture, and more

Krishna and Tiger Shroff are fitness freaks who thrive on their ‘unlike each other’ personalities. Krishna shares their relationship fundas and more on the occasion of National Siblings Day

NiveditaUpdated: Saturday, April 09, 2022, 06:04 PM IST

Krishna Shroff, daughter of actor Jackie Shroff and sister of actor Tiger Shroff, is an inspiration for many in her own way. Someone who was bodyshamed at one time, is known for one of the fittest bodies of the city. An entrepreneur who chose to make a career in the world of contact sports, Krishna says Tiger has been one of her biggest cheerleaders despite being “on opposite sides of the spectrum”. Free Press Journal gets Krishna to speak about her bond with her bhai, their business venture, and more.

How different or similar are Tiger and you?

Tiger and I are on opposite sides of the spectrum. He’s an introvert, loves the comfort of his home, and is an extremist when it comes to anything to do with his professional life. I, on the other hand, am outgoing, love travelling and exploring new places, and believe in working hard and playing hard. Our similarities lie in how much we value our family, work ethics, and our need to be the best at everything we do. We are both extremely competitive.

A memory of Tiger you would like to share?

He’s my best friend above all and I feel blessed to have the ideal role model to look up to. I honestly think my fondest memory of him is of a fight we had. We hadn’t spoken for weeks, but I remember Tiger putting his ego and pride aside, coming to my room and giving me a tight hug. It was totally my fault, and technically, I should have been the one to apologise to him, but that just shows what a kind and caring human being he truly is.

You bullied Tiger in the younger days. Is it the same today or have things changed now?

Yes... (laughs) I still get my way with him. However, now he actually lets me. Back then, he had no option… I had a solid 20+ kilos on him.

You have spoken about being bullied for your body. But looking at you now, it seems you have given an apt answer to your trolls?

I was just a teen when I was going through that. Back then, you let outside voices and various opinions affect you. It made me insecure. No girl at that age should go through that. It affected me to the point that I didn’t want to go out with my family because of the fear of being clicked, and my photos being out there for people to judge and criticise. After a while, I decided to make a change and use all of that to fuel my motivation. Here we are today…

You have fought every obstacle with utmost courage. What gives you strength and how supportive was your family, especially Tiger, during these times?

Honestly, it’s as simple as my belief in my preparation. No matter what the challenge, I am always fully prepared. At the end of the day, my family is there to fall back on noo matter what. However, nobody can put the time, effort, and work for me to overcome the adversities I have in my life, except me.

Tiger and you have launched a chain of gyms. How is he as a business partner?

Tiger and I own a chain of gyms pan India. It’s a blessing to be able to work with my brother. If anything, he only adds value... immense value. When it comes to fitness, I don’t think there are any two names that resonate better.

You are also compared with him many times. Does that bother you or make you feel proud?

It used to bother me earlier... because I honestly thought I was not capable of achieving anything. Given that... I know what I’ve, personally, achieved in my fitness journey... and how far I’ve come from where I started. So, for me, any comparison is a win.

Rapid Fire

What makes you proud of Tiger?

The fact that he has remained the same kind-hearted and humble human being after the drastic pace of success he’s achieved.

How is Tiger as a brother?

The absolute best in every way possible.

One secret about him, which only you know?

Good try, but there’s a reason he trusts me above all.

How is Krishna as a person in real life?

Super chill, honestly. A lot of people think I’m intimidating or unapproachable, but I promise I can be nice too.

What makes you happy?

A great training session followed by some even better food.

Your ideal day...

Wake up by the beach, get a training session in, and spend the rest of the day on the beach with food, drinks, and my closest people under the sun.

What annoys you the most?

Suck ups.


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