5 Tips to Handle Stress During Appraisal Time

5 Tips to Handle Stress During Appraisal Time

Stressing over an impending appraisal? You're not alone

Neha SinghUpdated: Saturday, April 06, 2024, 11:39 PM IST
Pic: Freepik

Stressing over an impending appraisal? You're not alone. However, it's essential to find ways to stay calm and relaxed. Here are some strategies to help you navigate the appraisal process with peace of mind:

Set realistic expectations

In the era of delusion, be real with yourself. Analyse your past goals, accomplishments, and obstacles to pinpoint aspects that require development. Consider your goals for the future as well as what you intend to learn from the review. Mansi Poddar, a trauma-informed psychotherapist, points out a simple tactic that will help you. "Anxiety is fuelled by negative self-talk and fear of the future. There is no quick-fix method. Try to be realistic in your self-appraisal and fear. You can try the four-question method by Byron Katie. It involves asking four simple questions about each belief that causes us pain:

Is it true?

Can you absolutely know that it’s true?

How do you react when you believe that thought?

Who would you be without the thought?”

Learn to receive feedback

Instead of waiting for the annual performance assessment, seek regular feedback every month or three months. Mansi suggests, “Your degree of anxiety could be lessened if you are aware of your manager’s feedback from time-to-time.  This will help you avoid excess accumulated stress and work constructively and consistently on it.”

You shouldn't be afraid of feedback if you have worked dilligently throughout the year and are confident about value you have contributed to your company. Be positive and swiftly ask for constructive criticism to advance both personally and professionally. Embrace feedback as a chance to learn and improve, and set actionable goals for the future.

Practice self-compassion

Try to be kind to yourself and acknowledge that nobody is perfect. There is always someone better than you. So instead of comparing yourself to others, practice self-compassion. You can do some activities to practice it.

Write a letter: Consider a time when you experienced pain (losing your job, giving a bad presentation, etc.). Write a letter to yourself explaining the circumstances, being careful not to place any blame at all on anyone. Make use of this activity to cultivate your emotions.

Motivate yourself: Consider what you would say to a close friend who was going through a situation like yours. Then, focus these positive and caring reactions on yourself the next time you find yourself in such a circumstance. Embrace your strengths and recognize that mistakes are opportunities for learning and growth.

Try meditation: When we're feeling sad, angry, or frustrated, try to practice meditation. Even a few minutes of meditation can be a wonderful way to accept and care for ourselves.

Maintain work-life balance

If any of your employees are already experiencing stress, remember to take regular breaks from work. Refrain from overcommitting yourself to please superiors. Be firm when dismissing work that is outside of your area of ability. Avoid taking work home. Keep a healthy work-life balance. Make time for your family, yourself, and your leisure. Every day, investing an hour in physical exercise may encourage tolerance and overall well-being. Make sure you get eight hours a night of sleep, and limit your alcohol intake. Make self-care your priority. Maintaining a healthy balance between your personal and work lives will protect you from burnout and promote general well-being.

Genuine social connections

Having friends at work enhances your sense of belonging to the company. There is less resistance to pursuing projects and goals the more fulfilled and connected people feel in their work. By learning new skills and coming up with unique concepts, it encourages creativity and increases job satisfaction. Genuine relationships can give a company a more personal, less transactional feeling. They create networks of support to assist you in overcoming obstacles related to your well-being at work.


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