Three persons were arrested with a tiger skin and two turtles in Khajrana area on Friday. Police officials said that the tiger skin is more than 20 years old and has a value of Rs 1 crore in the international market. The forest department officials were also informed by the police.
SP (east) Vijay Khatri said that Khajrana police station staff received a tip-off that three persons are roaming near Waghela farmhouse to sell tiger skin. After the information, the police team led by Khajrana police station staff reached the area and detained three persons named Prakash Sen, a resident of Mhow, Sunil Basod of Subhash Nagar and Ram Chouhan of Umrikheda area in Tejaji Nagar.
Police seized a tiger skin and two turtles from them. The accused have been booked under the relevant section of Wildlife Protection Act 1972 and further investigation is being done. Tiger skin and turtles are used in witchcraft and police are also probing this angle.
The police are collecting information about the person who provided them with the skin and turtles. IG Harinarayanachari Mishra has awarded the police team with Rs 20,000 for their excellent job in collecting information and arresting the accused.