Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A woman software engineer was duped of over Rs 10 lakh by a conman on the pretext of completing Telegram tasks. Fortunately, the cyber officers managed to freeze the entire amount in the bank account of the accused and returned about 80 per cent of the amount to the bank account of the complainant.
SP (cyber cell) Jitendra Singh said that the woman, who is a software engineer with a company in the city, lodged a complaint with the police that she was contacted by a person on Telegram application and had assured the woman that she can earn a good amount by completing the tasks on Telegrams.
He had told her to review, subscribe and to like videos on the app and the company would provide a good commission to her. He managed to get Rs 10.60 lakh from the woman and later refused to return the money to her. After receiving the complaint, a cyber-cell team contacted the bank officials and gathered information about the account details of the conman and with the help of bank authorities the entire amount in the bank account of the accused was frozen.
The police believed that the bank account in which the amount was received was opened with forged documents or the accused received the account details from someone fraudulently. Thereafter, the cyber cell officials returned Rs 8 lakh to the bank account of the complainant woman. The girl and her father appreciated the work done by the cyber cell team and thanked them. Officials assured that the remaining amount would also be credited in the bank account of the woman.
Cyber cell inspector Ramsumer Tiwari, SI Manisha Pathode and head constable Vikrant Tiwari played a commendable role in returning money to the complainant’s bank account.