Dhar (Madhya Pradesh): For the second consecutive day, Dhar police have had a big success in the case of an attempt to place an idol at Bhojshala in Dhar. The police have arrested three more persons on Wednesday.
After the completion of the police station proceedings, the trio were produced before the court. The court sent all three into judicial custody till September 26. On Tuesday, the police arrested one Ravi Chaudhary.
During interrogation, the accused informed the police about the entire incident. He also told the police the names of three other people present with him.
With his disclosure, on Wednesday, police arrested Shiv Kumar, a resident of Raisen; Manoj Tanwar, a resident of Naugaon, Dhar; and Makhan Bairagi, a resident of Sagaur, Dhar. A total of four persons have been arrested so far in this case.
Now the police have started searching for the remaining accused.