Khandwa (Madhya Pradesh): Two persons were arrested from Khalingduar Narayan Nagar of Uttarakhand for defrauding Khandwa farmers of Rs 41 lakh. Khandwa station incharge Rajendra Navriya said that the duo was identified as Subrat Vishwas of Gopal Nagar in Kolkata and his aide Chotu Vishwas.
They were arrested under Section 420 of the IPC and produced before Harsud court from where they were sent to jail on Wednesday. Cash of Rs 30,200 were recovered from them. Navriya said that during interrogation, the duo led to recovery of Rs 10.06 lakh of the defrauded money.
According to reports, farmers of Adakheda and Sawligarh had sold cotton, wheat and gram at high prices to Vishwas but were not paid the money. The duo continued to cheat the farmers for five months from November 10, 2022 to March 28, 2023. The duo had an account in Union Bank of India, from where Rs 4,76,526 were seized.
Another Rs 5 lakh were recovered from other place. The police said that around Rs 8 to Rs 10 lakhs have been returned to farmers.