Dhar (Madhya Pradesh): The idols of Lord Parshwanath and Bharat were installed at Shantinath Digambar Jain Temple on Sunday. The ceremony was conducted under the guidance of Aditya Sagar Maharaj, Aprmit Sagar Maharaj, Sahaj Sagar Maharaj and Chandmati.
A Ghat Yatra followed by a Dharmsabha was also conducted after the ceremony. Addressing the religious programme, Aditya Sagar Maharaj said, ‘Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more but those giving more’.
Sushil Luharia, Dilip Luharia, Prabha Gangwal, Vijay Rawka, Dinesh Chhabra and other community people were also present. This was informed by Jain Samaj media in-charge Paras Jain Gangwal.