Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Police on Tuesday arrested a man for assaulting a retired TI’s wife when she had gone for a morning walk in the Aerodrome area on Monday and snatching her earrings. The movements of the accused had been captured in a CCTV camera installed near the spot and police managed to arrest him within 24 hours.
DCP (Zone-1) Aditya Mishra said that Kamla Tiwari (62) a resident of Scheme Number 51 had gone for a morning walk when she was attacked by a man, who robbed her earrings and fled the scene leaving the woman injured near the road. The residents found the woman injured and they informed the police after which she was taken to the hospital. Based on the information given by her family members, a case was registered against an unidentified person.
The CCTV footage had captured a man who was stocky and balding. Based on this description, police had prepared a list of 75 people and started checking their whereabouts at the time of the crime. While this exercise was going on, police came to know that a man matching the description had been caught by Malharganj police for a few days. Police gathered additional information and arrested accused Dharmendra Mandev, a resident of Mandideep in Raisen district.
More than 150 CCTVs were examined
The police had to examine more than 150 CCTVs in a range of 10 kilometres of the area to positively identify the accused. The accused allegedly informed the police that he came to the city for a court case. He was roaming in Scheme Number 55 where he found the woman. He tried to snatch the gold ornaments when the woman resisted following which he hit her with an iron rod and fled with the earrings.