Indore (Madhya Pradesh): On a visibly bright Friday morning the Dawoodi Bohra community celebrated the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr with huge fanfare all across the city. The members of the Dawoodi Bohra community recited the Fazar namaaz and a special namaaz Khutba all across the city mosques in the morning.
A Majlis programme was organised at all the Bohra mosques which saw huge participation of the society members. Bohras also held a special ‘Dua’ event for the 53rd religious leader Saiyadna Mufaddal Saifuddin where society members also prayed for the nation’s development as well as for happiness of its people.
The senior members of the Anjumane Saifi Dawoodi Bohra also attended the event. Shaikh Joaeb Malubhaiwala also organised a Sharbat Peshi event for Ustaad Shabbar Milandiwala in Saifi Nagar Masjid, Sheikh Moiz Chopadwala at New Saifi Nagar Markaz, Ibrahim Suhagpurwala at Babji Nagar, Sheikh Ali Akbar Barwahwala at Bohra Bakhal Masjid, Amil Yunus Sahab Waziri at Siyaganj Masjid, Badri Amil Ali Asghar Hakimi at Bagh Markaza and Mustafa Bhai Lunawada offered Eid prayers for the holy day.
Eid prayers were also offered at mosques such as Masakine Saifiya, Hasanji Nagar, Malharganj, Najampura and Noorani Nagar.
Dawoodi Bohra Samaj spokesperson Johar Manpurwala said that after the completion of 30 days of Ramzan, the Bohra Samaj celebrated the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr where Al Qamar Bhai Sahib, nephew of Syedna Abu Jafroos Sadiq Aali Qader Mufaddal Saifuddin (T.U.S.) Sahib, who came from Mumbai offered namaz at Saifee Nagar Masjid on this occasion.”
After offering Eid-ul-Fitr prayers, all the community members wished each other Eid Mubarak and treated each other with vermicelli.