New Delhi, January 19: The Delhi police has been directed to register an FIR against an X (formerly Twitter) account for making a derogatory joke on the Arjuna Award winner para-archer Sheetal Devi. In one of its posts, X handle "@dudeitsokay" made fun of Sheetal Devi's disability. The post that went viral was flagged by many users with some seeking action from NCPCR or National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
The NCPCR took cognizance of the matter and directed the Delhi police to register an FIR against X and the person who operated the account which had made derogatory joke on Sheetal Devi. Reports said the Delhi police has registered a case. The accused person has been reportedly booked under relevant sections of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO).
NCPCR Reaction To Derogatory Joke On Sheetal Devi
Who Is Sheetal Devi?
Born on 10 January 2010 without hands, Sheetal Devi hails from a remote mountain village in Kishtwar district of Jammu Kashmir. She was born with a rare medical condition called phocomelia, which results in the absence of upper limbs. Despite all the odds, Sheetal is making waves in the world of archery.
Despite her physical limitations, Sheetal has developed a unique technique for shooting a bow and arrow using her feet and mouth. At the Asian Para Games 2022, she won two gold medals (mixed doubles and women's individual) and a silver medal (women's doubles). She bagged silver medal in the open women's compound archery event at the World Archery Para Championships 2023.
For her incredible achievements, Sheetal Devi was conferred with the prestigious Arjuna Award on January 9. She had recieved the honour from President Droupadi Murmu.