In a recent incident in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, two Burqa-clad Muslim women were faced with hostility while attempting to purchase beer from a wine shop. The women were stopped on the roadside by a group of Muslim individuals who not only verbally harassed them but also threatened them with physical harm. The entire incident was captured on a mobile camera by a man who belonged to the group that threatened the women. The video of the incident was later shared on social media platforms, and eventually went viral.
Burqa-clad women threatened for buying alcohol
Two Muslim women wearing burqas visited a licensed wine shop in the Novelty chowk region on the city on Sunday with the intention of purchasing beer. However, their presence drew the attention of some Muslim youths who reacted negatively. The self-proclaimed custodians of society confronted the women on the roadside and aggressively recorded a video of the incident.
Shockingly, one young man even went to the extent of threatening to slit the women's' throat.
“How can you purchase alcohol being a Muslim? Don’t you have some shame? You are defaming the Muslim community. Is this what Islam teaches us? I’ll slit your throat if you are again seen buying alcohol,” the man is heard saying in the video.
Watch the viral video here:
Accused arrested by police
The video quickly spread across various social media platforms, gaining viral attention. Upon learning of the video, authorities swiftly took action and ordered the immediate arrest of the perpetrators. Consequently, the Kotwali police promptly apprehended all three individuals, namely Adil, Sajid, and Bakoo, also known as Shahnavaz, based on the incriminating evidence from the viral video. Adil and Sajid are reported to be brothers. It is worth noting that prior to this incident, the police had already filed multiple criminal cases against these self-proclaimed custodians of society.
Muzaffarnagar Police, responding to the video on Twitter, confirmed that the three men were arrested for harassing the women.
"Taking immediate cognizance of the case by Police Station Kotwali Nagar, advance legal action is being taken after arresting 3 accused," the police said.