Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday arrived in Tamil Nadu's Madurai. The Union Home Minister will launch the BJP’s six-month-long padayatra 'En Mann, En Makkal' (My Land, My People) in Tamil Nadu’s Rameswaram. In the video, Amit Shah can be seen receiving warm welcome at the airport. Amit Shah will will flag off the “En Mann En Makkal" padyatra today in Rameswaram.
Amit Shah earlier shared on his social media that he will be arriving in Rameswaram to flag off the “En Mann En Makkal" padyatra. Amit Shah in his tweet said "Leaving for Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu. Today will flag off the “En Mann En Makkal" (My Land My People) Padyatra organised by TamilNadu BJP, which will carry the message of change, set forth by PM Narendra Modi Ji, to every constituency of the state."
The padayatra that will begin from Rameswaram from today and will conclude on January 11, 2024. Tamil Nadu BJP President k Annamali will lead the yatra. The will cover around 1068 km on foot and will be a 168 days long journey. It will cover 234 constituencies in Tamil Nadu.
'En Mann, En Makkal' yatra is being held by keeping in view the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections 2024. BJP is looking to make its ground and woo voters in southern India, where it has lost its ground after losing the Karnataka Assembly Elections.