The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Saturday shared a new video of the Chandrayaan-3 rover Pragyan which was seen moving around on the Lunar surface.
Pragyan has already covered a distance of about 8 metres on the Moon with its payloads turned on.
The latest video shared by ISRO shows the rover roaming around the 'Shiv Shakti Point' on the Moon.
Shiv Shakti Point & National Space Day
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has named the spot where Vikram landed as Shiv Shakti Point and dedicated August 23 to the nation as the 'National Space Day'.
The Vikram lander touched down on the Moon on Aug 23 as India became the first nation in the world to land on the South Pole of Earth's only natural satellite.
"Pragyan rover roams around Shiv Shakti Point in pursuit of lunar secrets at the South Pole," ISRO tweeted on X.
Pragyan Rover's Objectives on Moon
The rover is carrying payloads Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS) and Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS).
LIBS will attempt to determine the elemental composition (Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, Fe) of lunar soil and rocks around the lunar landing site.
While APXS is aiming at deriving the chemical composition and infer the mineralogical composition of the lunar surface.