Bengaluru: In a shocking incident, one person died and another suffered serious burn injuries after a suspicious blast occurred at a house in Bengaluru's JP Nagar on Monday morning (August 12). It is suspected that a fire broke out after a cooker exploded inside the house, located near JP Nagar's 24th Main Udupi Upahar. Reports indicate that experts from central and state agencies have reached the spot and have initiated an investigation.
According to reports, two young men from Uttar Pradesh suffered serious injuries in the explosion. They have been identified as Samir and Mohsin. Samir was rushed to the hospital in time and is receiving treatment for his burn injuries at Victoria Hospital. Unfortunately, Mohsin, who sustained 60 percent burns over his body due to the blast, was declared dead by the doctors upon arrival at the hospital.
The intensity of the blast was such that the house was shattered, and items were scattered all over the place. The house also caught fire due to the explosion. Initially, the police suspected that the blast was caused by a cooker explosion. However, further investigation revealed burnt wires inside the room. The discovery of these burnt wires has deepened the police's suspicions, and they are continuing to investigate the matter.
Authorities are on high alert, as the blast occurred just days before the country is set to observe Independence Day on August 15. The agencies are taking the incident seriously, as a similar incident occurred during the Rameswaram Cafe blast, where what was initially believed to be a cylinder explosion was later found to be a terrorist attack.
The police have informed ANI that there is nothing suspicious so far, but the investigation is ongoing. Bengaluru South Division DCP Lokesh B. Jagalasar said, "A suspicious blast occurred at 24th Main, JP Nagar in Bengaluru on August 12. It is suspected that a cooker explosion caused the fire. Two people from Uttar Pradesh, Mohsin and Sameer, were seriously injured in the fire. Mohsin died this morning while undergoing treatment. Police have not found anything suspicious at the spot. All experts, including those from central and state agencies, have visited the site, and the investigation is ongoing."