Lucknow: To address the issue of unemployment in Uttar Pradesh, the Yogi Government decided to emulate the Haryana model for recruiting youth into various vacant positions. Following Haryana's approach, the Uttar Pradesh Government plans to engage outsourcing agencies to facilitate the appointment of youth in different departments. Similar to Haryana, the UP Government will establish a Skill Employment Corporation and launch an employment portal dedicated to outsourcing-based opportunities.
The Uttar Pradesh labour department has been instructed to prepare a proposal regarding this initiative. The labour department itself will oversee all employment through outsourcing. Government departments across the state will be required to notify the portal about their vacant positions in various categories. The selection process for technical and supervisory level posts will consider factors such as educational qualifications, interview performance, and relevant experience. The interview component will account for 20 percent of the total marks. The newly established Skill Employment Corporation will develop and manage this portal, ensuring that all recruitment processes are conducted through it. Salaries for outsourced employees will be directly credited to their bank accounts by the 15th of each month. The outsourcing agencies will receive a fixed commission of only 4.5 percent from the employees' wages, which will not be increased under any circumstances.
Categorising employees into grades
Following the successful implementation of this system in Haryana over the past few years, districts were categorized into A, B, and C. In A-category districts, level 1 employees receive a monthly salary of ₹17,500, while level 2 employees receive ₹20,590. Level 3 outsourced employees are currently receiving ₹21,200, and level 4 employees receive ₹22,420. The Uttar Pradesh Government will now adopt a similar pattern based on this model.
According to officials from the Uttar Pradesh labour department, implementing this recruitment system will effectively eliminate the exploitation of outsourced employees. Additionally, the new Skill Employment Corporation will maintain comprehensive records of EPF (Employee Provident Fund), ESI (Employee State Insurance), and other allowances for these employees. Through this system, outsourced employees will be entitled to proper leave benefits, as well as additional perks such as health and life insurance coverage.