Uttar Pradesh: In a shocking incident, a bus conductor allegedly died by suicide after he was suspended for stopping the bus for allowing two passengers on the bus for namaz. The conductor named Mohit Yadav's dead body was found on the railway tracks near his house in Uttar Pradesh's Mainpuri. The contract workers in Bareilly have registered their protest against the death of the bus conductor.
Allowed 2 passengers to offer Namaz
Mohit Yadav (32) was the conductor of the UPSRTC bus which was on its way to Delhi from Kaushambi. Conductor Mohit Yadav asked driver KP Singh to stop the bus before Rampur for two minutes to allow two passengers to offer Namaz in the middle of the road. The other passengers of the bus protested against the conductor and the bus driver for allowing the two Muslim passengers to offer Namaz in the middle of the road. The incident occurred on June 3, 2023. The conductor and the bus driver were suspended after the incident.
Was under stress after suspension
Conductor Mohit Yadav was under stress after he was suspended for allowing two Muslim passengers to offer Namaz in the middle of the road. Mohit went missing on Sunday (August 27) night. His dead body was found on the railway track near his house on August 28. There are reports that he allegedly died by suicide. As per reports, Mohit Yadav was suspended on the basis of the video that went viral on social media. Proper inquiry was not conducted in connection to the matter. Also, Mohit Yadav and driver KP Singh did not appeal against their suspension.
Action against conductor and bus driver not justified
The UPSRTC Employees Union said that the action taken by the authorities against Mohit Yadav and KP Singh was not justified. They also assured that of the family raised a complaint over the matter they will support them in it. There are reports that Mohit Yadav was stressed due to his financial conditions after his suspension. He was in financial crisis after he was suspended from the post of conductor in UPSRTC. He was not able to find any other job after his suspension. He allegedly took the extreme step as he was not able to get money for his daily expenses. Even driver KP Singh who was suspended after the incident came to light is jobless. No complaint has been registered in connection with the case yet.
If you or anyone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, seek help here: | Mental Health Helplines | |