Attacking the Congress party during the debate on the Delhi Services Bill in Rajya Sabha on Monday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said that the grand old party is sitting in the lap of Aam Aadmi Party. He said that the government is amending the law not to bring emergency in the country but to do what is justified for Delhi. Shah also said that the purpose of the bill is to end corruption in the national capital.
"Such a bill can only be introduced for a UT. This is the problem of the mentality that one is fighting the elections of a UT but seeking the power of a state," Shah lashed out at AAP-led Delhi government.
"The measure has no incorrect provisions. The law's defined mechanism has been implemented. No ruling of the Supreme Court has been violated. The bill's goal is to eradicate corruption. In Delhi, governments have been founded by various parties. Before 2015, it was managed by the Congress. Everyone wanted progress, but there was never conflict with the Center over transfers," Shah added further.
"Earlier, there were no fights over transfer postings in Delhi, no CMs had any problems....In 2015, a govt came up after an 'andolan'....Some people said that the Centre wants to take power into its hands. The Centre doesn't need to do so as the people of India have given us the power and the right...," said Shah.
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