Chandigarh: Amid the escalating blame-game over the incidence of paddy straw burning – one of the main contributors for severe air pollution in Delhi and the national capital region (NCR) - the Haryana chief minister, Manohar Lal Khattar on Wednesday said that the issue of pollution was was not a political issue, but still, some leaders were doing politics over it.
Interacting with media persons after inaugurating the Hot Air Balloon Safari in Pinjore, district Panchkula, near here, Khattar said that this was not a matter that needed to be politicised. "However, some leaders are doing politics on it, and it is unfortunate," he said and added that it was not going to benefit anyone.
Amicable solution need of the hour
"Looking for an amicable solution to this problem is the need of the hour. If Delhi chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab chief minister, Bhagwant Mann needs the help of the Haryana government in pollution control and stubble management, then we are ready to provide the required cooperation," he said.
Responding to a question regarding pollution issues due to stubble burning incidents, he said there had been a significant reduction in the incidents of stubble burning in Haryana, whereas the incidents of stubble burning were higher in Punjab.
Khattar said that the Haryana government had taken practical steps for stubble management as the government was providing machines to farmers for stubble management and was also giving subsidies. He said that there was a need to increase commercial use of stubble. The possibilities of using stubble in ethanol, energy plants, bricks etc. would have to be increased, he said and also appealed to the farmers not to burn stubble and use it commercially.