Agra: In a harrowing incident, a one-and-a-half-year-old girl was crushed to death by an SUV in the parking lot of a shopping mall in Uttar Pradesh's Agra. The horrific incident was caught on camera, and the video is circulating on social media. In the footage, the girl is seen being crushed by an SUV after being left unattended by her parents in the parking lot. The negligence of the girl's parents is cited as the primary reason behind the accident.
The incident occurred on Tuesday, August 6, around 10 PM in the parking lot of Cosmos Mall in Agra. The girl, who tragically lost her life, has been identified as Rudrika. Her father, Jaideep, had gone shopping with his wife, their 10-year-old son, and their daughter at Cosmos Mall. The tragic accident occurred as the parents and children were in the parking lot.
The video shows the mother and father engrossed in a conversation while managing a trolley full of items they bought, leaving both children unattended. The children are seen in the background running in different directions. The girl is seen running in the parking lot when an SUV enters, and the driver fails to notice the small girl.
The SUV driver runs over the child, who is then crushed to death. The parents initially seem unaware of what has happened. The mother hears the child’s cries and rushes towards the car, pulling the girl from beneath it. The father is seen in shock as others in the parking lot rush to help.
The father quickly takes the child in his arms and hurriedly gets into the car under which the girl was crushed. The vehicle, which appears to be a silver-coloured Maruti Suzuki Ertiga with a Firozabad license plate, was used to rush the family to the hospital, where doctors declared the child dead. The SUV driver fled the scene after dropping the family at the hospital.
The family has filed a police complaint against the driver, and a search operation has been initiated to find the accused. The police are also reviewing CCTV footage from the mall's parking lot. Authorities noted that the vehicle involved in the accident did not obtain a parking token, and the family believes that the accident occurred due to negligence by the mall staff.