Delhi: In an unusual incident that allegedly took place during the no-confidence debate in Lok Sabha on Wednesday, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi allegedly blew a flying kiss to BJP's Smriti Irani after his fiery speech. Taking swift action on the Wayanad MP's action, BJP women ministers and MPs decided to complain to the Lok Sabha speaker about Rahul allegedly blowing a 'flying kiss' to Smriti Irani while leaving the house after his speech.
Amethi MP Smriti Irani also raised the issue in front of the Speaker, calling Rahul Gandhi a misogynistic man who can give a flying kiss to a female member of Parliament. The Union Minister's speech prompted BJP MPs to chant "shame shame" against Rahul Gandhi who immediately left the House for Rajasthan after his fiery speech against PM Modi and the BJP.
"I raise objection on something Mr. Speaker, one who was given the right to speak before me, made an obscene gesture. It is only a misogynistic man who can give a flying kiss to a female member of Parliament. Such disrespectful gesture has never been seen in the country's Parliament ever. This is the image of the family, the country has come to know through this Parliament," she said.
Speaking about the incident to reporters stationed outside the Parliament complex, Irani said, "It's been so visible what Rahul Gandhi has done in the Parliament today. When House of the people where laws are made to protect the dignity of women, the course of a session stands witness to man's misogyny..Gandhi family's values has misogyny and indecent behaviour towards women."
Wink and hug in 2018
During the no-trust debate in 2018, Rahul was caught winking on camera after he hugged PM Narendra Modi in the House. The PM, still seated, was visibly caught off guard by the gesture.
Imran Pratapgarhi, a Congress leader had said, that the wink was directed at Jyotiraditya Scindia, who was a Congress MP then before jumping the ship to the saffron party.
This is a breaking news. More details are awaited.