The Special Judge, CBI Cases, Mohali has today sentenced accused Varinder Prabhakar, then Assistant Commissioner of Customs, ICD, Ludhiana to 7(seven) years of rigorous imprisonment (RI) with a fine of Rs. 1 lakh and his wife Shashi Prabhakar to 3 (three) years of RI with a fine of Rs.50,000/- in a disproportionate assets case. The court also forfeited disproportionate assets to the tune of Rs.1.05 crore (approx.) to the government.
Background details of case
CBI had registered a case on 17th February 2006, against Varinder Prabhakar, Assistant Commissioner of customs, ICD, Ludhiana on allegations of acquiring assets which were disproportionate to known sources of income during his service tenure of from 1974 to 2006 by misusing his official position as a public servant. The instant case was an outcome of searches in a trap case against accused Varinder Prabhar.
After completion of investigation, Charge sheet was filed on 30 June 2008, against Varinder Prabhakar and his wife Shashi Prabhakar in the Court of Special Judge, CBI-cum-NIA, SAS Nagar, Mohali.