New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday (December 5), in an uncharacteristic post on X, tried to "Beware people of their (Opposition's) divisive agenda" and said that an "old habit of 70 years can’t go away so easily," in a veiled jibe at the Congress party. The Prime Minister made the remarks while responding to a video by an anchor of India Today news channel.
PM Modi reacts to news anchor's video
The anchor in his monologue presented his take on people trying to rake up the North-South divide, blaming voters of the 'Hindi heartland' for voting BJP to power for the "wrong reasons" and the general "meltdown" over BJP's assembly win in the states of Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.
"May they be happy with their arrogance, lies, pessimism and ignorance. But.. Beware of their divisive agenda. An old habit of 70 years can’t go away so easily. Also, such is the wisdom of the people that they have to be prepared for many more meltdowns ahead," said PM Modi in his tweet and even used emojis to highlight his message, a fact that was highlighted by several X users.
Assembly Election Results
The results of the assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Telangana, unlike Mizoram, elicited a range of responses on social media. While the supporters of BJP praised the saffron party's election mechanism, the detractors of the party reacted by saying that BJP's victory in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh and Congress triump in Telangana proves that the "Hindi-heartland" prefers BJP for the "wrong reasons."
Now, the Prime Minister himself has hit out at those having a "meltdown" over BJP's victory. "Also, such is the wisdom of the people that they have to be prepared for many more meltdowns ahead," PM said in his post on X.
Heated election season
If anything, the tweet is only an indication of the brutal nature of political fighting bound to take place ahead of the all important Lok Sabha Elections to take place next year. The tweet by the Prime Minister also signifies that the PM, like always, will be at the forefront of taking on the Opposition.