On shocking charges of posting a video of himself having sex with several girls in Thirthahalli on social media, the Shivamogga police, on June 18, apprehended a student union leader. The taluk ABVP unit president, Prateek Gowda, is accused by the police of recording a video of himself engaging in sexual activity with a few college-age girls and posting it online.
FIR registered against the accused
Speaking to the media, Shivamogga SP G.K. Mithun Kumar said, "One video of a guy involved in sexual acts with a few girls in Tirthahalli has gone viral. We have secured the guy and are booking an FIR now.” He has also harassed several of the girls in the videos after recording them.
ABVP leaders reported him to the police and requested that they take action against him. They insisted that Prateek had been freed of his duties within the company since January of this year and that he had been harassing a lot of individuals by using the organisation's name improperly.
Man in judicial custody
According to a report in the Deccan Herald, police apprehended Gowda and brought him before the court after learning about it. He has been kept in judicial detention on remand.
The IT Act makes it illegal to share pornographic images on social media, including WhatsApp, according to a press statement from the Shivamogga Police. In addition to the punishment, the convicted might receive a sentence of up to five years in jail. The CEN Police will be keeping an eye out for such acts, thus WhatsApp group administrators should be on the lookout, according to a press release.