The birthday celebration event of Leader of Opposition Siddaramaiah in Davanagere has reportedly resulted in traffic jams. Congestion of vehicles was spotted both within the city and on the Pune-Bengaluru National Highway. Citizens took to social media to highlight the issue of waiting for hours over the traffic that ran for six kilometres.
According to reports, apart from the 1,500 buses hired for the event by the organising committee, thousands of vehicles including cars, SUVs, MUVs, mini buses from across the state have reached the city from different directions leading to traffic chaos. Consequently, vehicles have lined up on the national highway and the police personnel are having a difficult time ensuring vehicular movement within the city.
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Siddaramaiah though has rejected claims that the event is being organised to project him ahead of polls, he has however maintained that there will certainly be a political message from the event, as none in politics are 'Sanyasis'.
The event is not being organised to glorify Siddaramaiah, Mahadevappa had recently said, it is to celebrate his services in 40 years of political life as a farmer, farmer activist, socialist, fighter with morality, language activist, economist being a Finance Minister, and the Chief Minister who fulfilled the promises made to people.
- with agency inputs