Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his Independence Day speech from the Red Fort today (15th August), launched a blistering attack on 'parivarvadi' (dynastic) political parties and said that these people worked on the principle of "for the family, of the family, by the family." The Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech also called "Bhrastachar, Parivarvad and Tushtikaran" (corruption, dynasty politics and appeasement) as the biggest challenges faced by the country.
Attack on 'parivarvadi political parties'
PM Modi in his speech said that 'parivarvadi political parties' were a big obstacle in the path of democratic India. The PM said that dynastic politics or political parties do not let people of talent and calibre emerge and hence suppress it. He said that it was the "life mantra" of dynastic political parties to work only for the family and that "bhai-bhatijawad" (dynastic politics) causes harm to a democracy. "It is important for India to get rid of dynastic political parties," said PM in his hard hitting attack on dynastic politics.
PM Modi spoke on three biggest challenges faced by India
Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his speech also shared his vision for India and said that it was his government's mission to see India as a developed country by 2047. The Prime Minister also said that three biggest challenges that stopped India from becoming a developed nation are "Bhrastachar, Parivarvad and Tushtikaran" (corruption, dynasty politics and appeasement) and appealed to the people of the country to ensure that these are eradicated.
87 minutes speech
PM Narendra Modi's Independence Day speech lasted for close to one-and-a-half hour (87 minutes to be precise) during which he spoke on a range of issues. PM concluded his speech by sharing the vision for a developed India and also asked for people's blessings and support in fighting against the problems faced by the country.