Days after former Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in an alleged land scam case, his wife Kalpana Murmu Soren on Wednesday took to social media site X from his handle on the occasion of their 18th wedding anniversary and said that her husband will emerge victorious despite the conspiracy against him.
I'm wife of brave Jharkhandi warrior: Kalpana Soren
"Hemant ji did not accept to bow down to protect the existence and identity of Jharkhand. He thought it better to fight the conspiracy and dedicate himself to defeating it," Kalpana Soren wrote.
She then went on to add that Hemant Soren is not with his family on the day of their wedding anniversary.
"Today is our 18th wedding anniversary, but Hemant ji is not among the family. He's not with children. We believe that he will defeat this conspiracy and emerge victorious to join us all soon," she said.
"I am the life partner of a brave Jharkhandi warrior. I will not be emotional today. Like Hemant ji, I will smile even in difficult circumstances and become his strength of courage and struggle," she concluded.
Will quit politics if charges proven: Hemant Soren
Hemant Soren, who had stepped down as Chief Minister just before his arrest, was taken into custody by the Enforcement Directorate in connection with an investigation into what they described as a "huge racket of illegal change of ownership of land by the mafia."
Soren refuted the accusations leveled against him in his speech in Jharkhand assembly during the trust-vote after his resignation and his uncle Champai Soren taking over the reigns. Soren alleged involvement of the Raj Bhavan in his arrest.
Addressing the allegations directly, he asserted, "Today, I have been arrested on charges of an 8.5-acre land scam. If they have the courage, then they should show the documents of the said land registered in my name. If it is proven, I will quit politics."
"The script for my arrest was ready since 2022," Soren said.