The Punjab and Haryana High Court on Tuesday slammed the Bhagwant Mann-led state government over its failure to capture 'Waris Punjab De' founder Amritpal Singh.
Punjab Police launched a massive manhunt to nab Amritpal but the Khalistani leader remains untraceable even after three days.
The cops however, have managed to arrest over 112 associates and aides of Amritpal amid violent protests across Punjab over the crackdown on WPD.
The elusive preacher, however, gave the police a slip and escaped their dragnet when his cavalcade was intercepted in Jalandhar district.
"You have 80,000 cops, how did Amritpal Singh escape?," the High Court asked Punjab government, adding that intelligence failure is the reason behind this situation.
Amritpal Singh, who the government describes as a Khalistani-Pakistan agent, was last seen speeding away on a motorcycle on Saturday evening in Jalandhar.
Punjab CM assures 'strict action'
Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann on Tuesday promised to take strict action against the miscreants and also assured of bringing back peace and harmony in the state in the wake of the protests by Sikhs and WPD supporters.
"We will not spare any force working against the country, the CM said, adding people have given a responsibility to the AAP by giving it a huge mandate in the elections.
"I thank 3 crore Punjabis for their cooperation in this operation (against Singh and 'Waris Punjab De'). There was not a single report of any untoward incident from the state. It has boosted my confidence that people want peace and progress," said Mann.