Chandigarh: Haryana deputy chief minister Dushyant Chautala on Tuesday said that the state government had signed MoUs for three aviation projects at the recently held "Wings India-2024" in Hyderabad. The first MoU was signed with the Airports Authority of India (AAI) under which the AAI would manage equipment, functioning, and technical support at the Hisar airport.
The second MoU was signed between Pawan Hans Ltd, the government of India, and the state government under which the state civil aviation department had provided 30 acres of land to the Indian government. This land is adjacent to the Dwarka Expressway in Gurugram, where the country’s largest heli-hub would be established.
He said that this heli-hub would be just 13 kilometres away from the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi. This heli-hub would provide facilities such as helicopter taxi service, private charter, and medical ambulance services to the entire northern region of India as an epicentre, he said.
About 3rd MoU:
Detailing about the third MoU, Dushyant Chautala said that the same was done between Alliance Air Company and the state government under which nine air routes had been identified in the state, where flights would be operated by the said company based on the VGF (viability gap funding) scheme. Two flights from Hisar would fly three days a week, he added.
He said that after the construction of a civil terminal in Ambala, air services would start from there as well. He also mentioned that representatives of other major airlines in the country, such as Akasa, IndiGo, and SpiceJet, had expressed their desire to utilise Hisar airport for parking, similar to Chandigarh Airport. As air traffic at Delhi International Airport was rapidly increasing, Hisar airport would prove to be a beneficial option for night-time aircraft parking, he said.