The Chhattisgarh government again offered Maoists to resolve their problems through talks. Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai, who is on visit of Bastar’s highly disturbed district Dantewada on the occasion of International Women’s Day, while interacting with the Danteswari Fighters (dreadful security force women commandos, highly skilled in guerrilla warfare and insurgency) on Friday he asked Naxals publicly to share their problems and resolve it through dialogue. The state administration will take all sorts of initiatives to resolve it, the CM asserted.
What are the problems of Naxals, they must share with the government and our state administration will take all sorts of viable steps within the purview of the constitutional framework to resolve their issues, the CM said.
The government is ready to fulfill their all genuine demands, Sai said while sharing his feelings he mentioned that he is a tribal and village guy and understands the hardships faced by the tribal villagers.
The CM also patiently listened to the woes of special force Commando Sumitra, who served for Naxals for 14 years and the hardship faced by her in those days. The CM praised the sacrifice she made and the pain she endured and criticized the Maoists for pushing the innocent tribals in such harsh conditions. He expressed pity over it and questioned the pathetic life provided by the Maoists.
All those people who knowingly or unknowingly fallen in the trap of Naxals and living life full of affliction and misery should immediately give up and get assimilated into the mainstream of development, CM Sai appealed.
He cautioned the people not to fall in the trap of wrong things or misleading people.
The CM also appealed to the Naxals to shun the violence, stop killings and participate in table talk with the government to resolve the year long unresolved issues.
On the occasion, the CM interacted with several women commandos and wished them for their bright future and also announced the constitution of Danteshwari Shakti Kendras in every district headquarters of Bastar. The CM also announced construction of a recreation centre, sports club and construction of a library.
Saheed Smarak will be constituted in Karali village, he announced. He also announced residential hostels in Palnar, Badeguda and others.