Raipur: The cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai at Mantralaya, Mahanadi Bhawan on Wednesday took three major decisions over the prominent pending issues including Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe into Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission(CGPSC) state level examination-2021 for the 170 posts in 12 departments, and purchase of paddy 21 quintal per acre and free ration distribution. But the decision on paddy procurement resented the farmers.
CBI to probe into CGPSC exam 2021
As per the decisions of Sai Cabinet, CBI will probe the CGPSC exam 2021 for 170 posts, secondly, farmers paddy will be procured up to 21 quintals on Minimum Support Price (MSP).
On the paddy issue, the government claimed it took the decision to serve interest of the paddy growing farmers for the Kharif marketing year 2023-24, an official communique said.
Notably, MSP on paddy is ₹2183/quintal.
Agrarian Associations, farmer organizations, registered strong resentment over the government decisions and blamed the government for back tracking from its election manifesto promises.
Farmers cry foul
We feel cheated and after having discussions with like minded organizations, we will strategise and fight back with the government for our rights, spokesperson, Chhattisgarh Kishan Sangh, Moti Lal Sinha said.
We feel cheated, BJP promised in its election manifesto that paddy will be procured on ₹3100 per quintal per acre and make cash payment in one slot, and the decision is contradictory, he complained.
Chhattisgarh Congress Communication Department Head Sushil Anand Shukla, criticized the Sai government decision in strong words and said, the BJP government has no faith in its police so it handed over the case to CBI for enquiry. Secondly, it cheated the farmers, made false promises on paddy procurement of 21 quintal of paddy ₹3100 per acre. The Congress is with the farmers and will fight the battle of their rights till end, he said.
Sai Cabinet Meeting | FPJ
Paddy procurement under 'Modi Ki Guarantee' scheme
It is noteworthy that paddy procurement was also a part of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi' guarantee.
Third decision was related to providing free food grains to BPL families, including 'Antyoday' and 'priority' category beneficiaries for the next five years.
The government claimed it will benefit 67.92 lakh and 153 ration card holding families of the state.
In the meeting all the cabinet Ministers were present.