Raipur: Delhi Chief Minister cum President of Aam Aadami Party Arvind Kejariwal addressing a public rally in Bastar's Jagdalpur on Saturday promised sea change in the lives of Chhattisgarh public through his '10 points guarantee schemes including quality education, better health facilities, jobs to unemployed and monetary benefits to old age people and females across the state.
Kejriwal began his speech criticizing the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Shah for keeping silence over martyed army officers in Kashmir.
After that he quickly started speaking on his political agenda.
AAP's political agenda
We have created world class schools in Delhi for the students of weaker sections, providing free power to all public, free hospital facilities with the same money for which previous governments said have no adequate funds, Kejriwal said.
Similar, arrangements are made in Punjab by Bhagwant Mann government.
He also claimed that Delhi government provides ₹1 Crore compensation to the family of the armed forces men who laid their lives while performing their duties. He promised to provide assistance of ₹1000 per month to every women and girls above 18 years of age.
Kejriwal praised Man government performance in Punjab and said from Mohalla clinics, free power to quality education we are all providing free to common public in Delhi and Punjab.
Similar, things we want to do in Chhattisgarh.
The government always weep about paucity of funds, which is not true actually it required sound financial management and a honest government which is only delivered by Aap government.
He again retireated his old dialogue that if the governments (BJP, Congress) have worked honestly for the public welfare for the last 70 years then AAP will not have formed. We are here to serve the people not for politics.
Kejriwal also criticized over the attacks carried out by BJP leaders on opposition alliance I.N.D.I.A. India lives in our hearts, and nobody can take out India from us, the Delhi CM said.